Presentation (in person and/or virtual)

Training comes in all shape and sizes. Like transition, there is no “one size fits” all. Our trainings are customized based on your school, local education agency (LEA), state education agency (SEA), university, agency or association. All transition topics that we cover include a historical perspective, best practices, resources and solutions and strategies for expansion and improvement. We offer a half day or full day in person or virtual. 

Topics we have special knowledge and skill include:

  • Transition Services 101 addressing the basics

  • Advanced Training for Administrators addressing administration, programming and organizational development

  • The Law and Transition Mandates

  • Indicator 13 addressing how to write an individual education plan

  • Legal Issues addressing how to avoid complaints

  • Transition Assessment and Functional Vocational Evaluation (provided in two parts)

  • Social Role Velarization and Normalization Theory

  • Self-determination

  • Community-based Services

  • Wage and Hour Laws, Fair Labor Standards Act

  • Transition Services, A Creative Process

  • Reliable Transition Resources

  • Career Development for the non-professional

  • Parent Training – What is Transition?

Fees: ½ day training = $2,750, full day training = $5,000

PD Membership - as needed training and consultation

Because transition is unique to each student, J. Lynn offers a Membership package of hours for consultation that can be used by any special education school staff or administrator, attorney, advocate, student or parent. In the Moment Consultation could include answering simple or complex questions, problem solving on a difficult case, how to write an IEP, brainstorming transition service design and individual transition planning strategies. The membership also includes a quarterly newsletter that includes interesting resources, case studies, up-to-date policy and practice news and a listing of reliable resources.

Fees: Package of 10 hours = $1,500, Package of 20 hours = $2,650